Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I cant sleep.....anywhere

You know that feeling you have when you have been on a trip for a few days and your so excited to get home and lay in your own bed. I don't feel that anymore. I live on campus at WKU and my bed here is pretty comfortable....as comfortable as an extra long twin can be. At my house in my hometown I have a huge bed. If God handmade beds for man...this would be close to one. BUT when I go home i can not seem to get comfortable in my bed. So I think to my self....HMM maybe I'm just used to my bed at school so I will sleep in it better......WRONG. I cant fall asleep anywhere. It sort of adds to this dilemma of who am I..and where am I going. I'm just starting to become comfortable in my own skin. I know my faith drives me in everything that I do....and I feel led to share my faith with everyone. But on the same hand I am a musician. I'm not sure if I will ever be content with life if I'm not playing music. Im sure that as I grow older God will give me opportunities to do what he has planned for me.

But for now I just hope God helps me sleep in my bed.


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