Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I cant sleep.....anywhere

You know that feeling you have when you have been on a trip for a few days and your so excited to get home and lay in your own bed. I don't feel that anymore. I live on campus at WKU and my bed here is pretty comfortable....as comfortable as an extra long twin can be. At my house in my hometown I have a huge bed. If God handmade beds for man...this would be close to one. BUT when I go home i can not seem to get comfortable in my bed. So I think to my self....HMM maybe I'm just used to my bed at school so I will sleep in it better......WRONG. I cant fall asleep anywhere. It sort of adds to this dilemma of who am I..and where am I going. I'm just starting to become comfortable in my own skin. I know my faith drives me in everything that I do....and I feel led to share my faith with everyone. But on the same hand I am a musician. I'm not sure if I will ever be content with life if I'm not playing music. Im sure that as I grow older God will give me opportunities to do what he has planned for me.

But for now I just hope God helps me sleep in my bed.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Do you smoke what you sell (biblically of course)

For so long I have been following a faith that I never really understood.....until now. I spent my whole last summer as a youth director for a church, and I have just realized that I did not believe in what I was selling. How dare I teach the word of God and not even understand it until now.

My heart was so full of anger and hatred. Both things that you CANNOT have in your heart and follow Christ. I didnt love my neighbor and in turn I didnt really love Christ the way I should. I am a sinner saved by grace. As of today. I have sold the word of God short up to this day in my life. But Im not going to anymore. He is the only way to really let go of anger and rage. I cant take one frustration out on another one. I have to truly let go.

In the words of Tyler Durden, "Its only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything."

Anyway, thanks for reading the first blog, And the question stands for you to answer on your own.

Do you smoke what you sell? Do you believe the Christ Jesus that you preach?